Alicona Imaging GmbH
How metrology can enable physics-based analysis of material behaviorLecture

How metrology can enable physics-based analysis of material behavior

With Trent Woodcock, Applications Engineer at Third Wave Systems (TWS)/US, we are happy to uncover the role of metrology in machining analysis. TWS is one of the premier Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) provider for companies that machine. Their technology helps to dramatically reduce the cost of machined components, accelerate design cycles, improve part quality, and get to market faster. The Bruker Alicona system is situated in their Testing and Validation Center to perform accurate and repeatable measurements of inserts and solid end mills. Advanced metrology has enabled TWS to further understand material behavior in high stress/strain cutting scenarios. Their detailed analysis of temperature, stress, and chip flow enable users to identifying optimal process conditions and understand the impact on tools and machined surfaces. In an interview with Faran Misaghi, a member of the Bruker Alicona US team, Trent will discuss a use case in the Aerospace and Defense industry. A study that significantly reduced the process of selecting the cutting tool best suited for high efficiency machining of titanium. 

Speaker: Trent Woodcock | Application Engineer, Third Wave Systems

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