Alicona Imaging GmbH
Round Table: Additive Manufacturing - Trends, strategies & visionsLecture

Round Table: Additive Manufacturing - Trends, strategies & visions

There is hardly any manufacturing process that has shaken up the existing technology landscape in recent years as much as additive manufacturing. Production of complex single parts with many freeform surfaces, customized applications or individually designed components are just some of the advantages attributed to additive processes. Manufacturing companies speak of increased agility and flexibility even in the production of small quantities. Questions remain: What else needs to be done in additive manufacturing? What are current research activities? What potential for optimization still exists compared to subtractive processes? And what can metrology achieve here? These and other questions will be discussed in the 1st Bruker Alicona Round Table with experts from research and industry. Our experts are Robin Day from the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (Germany), James Hunt from the Advanced Manufacturing Research Center (AMRC, UK) and Henry Greenhalgh from the international manufacturer HiETA Technologies (UK), specialized in the use of Additive Manufacturing (metal 3D printing), particularly in the areas of thermal management and light-weighting. 

Robin Day | Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology
James Hunt | Advanced Manufacturing Research Center - AMRC
Henry Greenhalgh | HiETA

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